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Self study guide for elementary level learners of Russian
and for intermediate level students who wish to review basic grammar and vocabulary

Grammar Lesson 23

Genitive Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns

Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 6
Grammar Lesson 22
Expressing Possession: Genitive Case of Nouns (introduction). Uses and Singular forms. Question Чей? - Whose?
Grammar Lesson 23
Genitive Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns
Grammar Lesson 24
Indicating Having And Not Having Something. Genitive Case of Personal Pronouns
Phrasebook Topic 17
Quiz 14
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 22-24 and Phrasebook Topics 17 with this 15 minute quiz.
Grammar Lesson 25
Verbs of Going (introduction). Going by foot vs. going by vehicle. Saying "Let's go!". Asking Where: Где? vs. Куда?
Grammar Lesson 26
Denoting an Indirect Object. Dative Case of Nouns. Uses and forms. Dative Case of Personal Pronouns
Grammar Lesson 27
Dative Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns
Quiz 15
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 25-27 and Phrasebook Topic 17 with this 15 minute quiz.
Test 6
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 22-27 and Phrasebook Topic 17.

 Грамматика               Expressing Possession. Genitive Case of Modifiers (Singular Forms) 

1. The Genitive Case of Adjectives (Formation of Singular Forms)
If a noun is used in the Genitive case, the adjective that modifies that noun must also be in the Genitive case. 

Study the formation of the Genitive Singular of adjectives:

Hard stem adjectives

Nominative -> Genitive 

Soft stem adjectives

Nominative -> Genitive 


новый -> нового

синий -> синего


новая -> новой

синяя -> синей


новый -> нового

синее -> синего

Genitive Singular endings of adjectives: -ого (-его) and -ой (-ей)

  • The regular (hard stem) Genitive case ending for masculine and neuter adjectives is -ого, for feminine adjectives is -ой. Examples: 
  •                        фамилия нового студента - a new student's last name (male student),

                           фамилия новой студентки - a new student's last name (female student),

                           берег Чёрного моря - the Black Sea shore.

  • The ending for soft stem masculine and neuter adjectives in the Genitive case is -его;  for soft stem feminine adjectives is -ей. Examples: 
  •                        рассказы раннего Чехова - early Chekhov stories (=stories by early Chekhov),

                           берег синего моря - blue sea shore,

                           дверь синей машины - blue car's door.

  • If an adjective stem ends in a letter mentioned in the 5-letter spelling rule (ж, ш, щ, ч, ц) and the ending is unstressed, then -ого becomes -его, and -ой becomes -ей respectively. 
  • Examples:

                           машина старшего брата - oldest brother's car,

                           словарь старшей сестры - oldest siste's dictionary.

2. The Genitive Case of Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns (Formation of Singular Forms)
Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns that modify a noun in the Genitive case must also be in the Genitive case. Memorize the Genitive Singular forms:
Nominative Genitive
чей? мой, твой, наш, ваш

э тот, тот

чьего? моего, твоего, нашего, вашего,

этого, того

чья? моя, твоя, наша, ваша

э та, та

чьей? моей, твоей, нашей, вашей,

этой,  той

чьё? моё, твоё, наше, ваше

э то, то

чьего? моего, твоего, нашего, вашего,

этого, того

Genitive Singular endings:    -ого (-его);      -ой (-ей)
  • Genitive Singular endings for noun modifiers (adjectives, possessive and demonstrative pronouns) are the same: -ого (-его), -ой (-ей).
  • Pay attention to the word order, which in Russian is normally this:
   object possessed (owned, etc) +   possessor (owner, etc) in the Genitive case with all modifiers preceding it


  моего старшего брата

  моей старшей сестры

  Click each sentence to listen, then read it aloud. Note different word order in Russian and in English.

1. Это машина моего старшего брата.

1. This is my oldest brother's car.

2. Это словарь моей старшей сестры.

2. This is my oldest sister's dictionary.

3. Как фамилия того нового студента?

3. What is that new student's last name?
Exercises  Упражнения
Form the Genitive singular of adjectives and other modifiers

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