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Russian language self study guide for beginners

Developed by Dr. Julia Rochtchina.
Introduction. Russian letters and sound system
Russian alphabet Sounds, handwriting, keyboard
Introductory Lesson 1 Reading syllables. Translating This is..., Here is...
Introductory Lesson 2 Reading syllables. Conjunctions и and а
Introductory Lesson 3 Learn Russian hushing and velar sounds. Stress and vowel reduction (а, о)
 Quiz 1 Check what you have learned from Lessons 1-3 with this 10 minute quiz.
Introductory Lesson 4 Letters ц,й,ы,и
Introductory Lesson 5 Learn Russian 7-letter spelling rule
Introductory Lesson 6 Learn Russian Hard and Soft сonsonants. Vowel reduction (я, е)
 Quiz 2 Check what you have learned from Lessons 4-6 with this 15 minute quiz.
Introductory Lesson 7 Letters ь and ъ. Pronunciation of я, ё, ю, е. Letters к, г, х
Introductory Lesson 8 Unpaired hard and soft consonants. The soft consonant й
 Quiz 3 Check what you have learned from Lessons 7-8 with this 15 minute quiz.
Introductory Lesson 9 Voiced and Voiceless Consonants. Devoicing of Final Consonants. Consonant Clusters
Introductory Lesson 10 Pronunciation of г, ч, тся and ться
Phrasebook Topic 1 Learn how to greet people and say goodbye in Russian
Phrasebook Topic 2 Introducing Yourself in Russian
 Quiz 4 Check what you have learned from Lessons 7-8 with this 10 minute quiz.
Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 1
Grammar Lesson 1 Gender of Nouns: Hard Stem. Personal pronouns он (he), она (she), оно (it). "The" and "a"."To be" in the Present tense
Grammar Lesson 2 Gender of Nouns: Hard and Soft Stems. Exceptions
Grammar Lesson 3 Nominative Plural of Nouns
Grammar Lesson 4 Personal Pronouns я, ты, он, она, оно, мы, вы, они. Ты vs. Вы
Phrasebook Topic 3 Professions
Phrasebook Topic 4 Learn Russian Names: Last Name, First Name and Patronimic
 Quiz 5 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 1-4 and Phrasebook Topics 3-4 with this 20 minute quiz.
 Test 1 Check what you have learned from Russian Letters and Sound System section and Grammar Lessons 1-4
Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 2
Grammar Lesson 5 Asking Whose in Russian? The Possessive Pronouns его, её, их, наш, ваш
Grammar Lesson 6 Asking What and Who? Nominative case. Asking Where? Prepositional case
Phrasebook Topic 5 Family
Phrasebook Topic 6 At the Airport
 Quiz 6 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 5-6 and Phrasebook Topics 5-6 with this 10 minute quiz.
Grammar Lesson 7 What is an Adjective? Nominative Case of Adjectives
Grammar Lesson 8 Demonstrative Pronouns этот and тот. Indeclinable это vs. Demonstrative pronouns этот (эта, это, эти)
Phrasebook Topic 7 Clothes
Phrasebook Topic 8 Learn numbers 1-20 in Russian
 Quiz 7 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 7-8 and Phrasebook Topic 7 with this 10 minute quiz.
 Test 2 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 5-8 and Phrasebook Topics 5-8.
Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 3
Grammar Lesson 9 Location. Prepositions в (во) and на. В доме vs. дома
Grammar Lesson 10 What is a Verb. Verb Infinitive. The Past Tense
Phrasebook Topic 9 Learn numbers 21-199 in Russian
Phrasebook Topic 10 Learn numbers 200-1000 in Russian
 Quiz 8 (Week 6) Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 9-10 and Phrasebook Topics 9-10 with this 10 minute quiz.
Grammar Lesson 11 Present Tense of Verbs. Verb Conjugation. Conjugation of verbs жить, писать. Stress in Verbs
Grammar Lesson 12 About what vs about who. The preposition о (об). Prepositional Case of Personal Pronouns. Verbs говорить, рассказывать, спрашивать
 Quiz 9 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 11-12 with this 10 minute quiz.
 Test 3 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 9-12 and Phrasebook Topics 9-10.
Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 4
Grammar Lesson 13 Questions 'Какой' and 'Как?': Adjectives vs Adverbs.Formation of Adverbs. Adverbs of Place and Time
Grammar Lesson 14 Talking about languages: русский язык vs по-русски. Language skills vs study or knowledge of language
Phrasebook Topic 11 Languages
Phrasebook Topic 12 Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals
 Quiz 10 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 13-14 and Phrasebook Topic 11 with this 10 minute quiz.
Grammar Lesson 15 Denoting a Direct Object. Accusative Case of Nouns (Formation of Singular Forms). Transitive and Intransitive verbs
Grammar Lesson 16 Accusative Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns. The verb хотеть - to want
Grammar Lesson 17 Studying and Teaching: изучать, учиться, заниматься, преподавать. Verbs with -ся
Phrasebook Topic 13 Subjects at School
Phrasebook Topic 14 About Myself
 Quiz 11 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 15-17 and Phrasebook Topics 13-14 with this 10 minute quiz.
 Test 4 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 13-17 and Phrasebook Topics 11-14.
Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 5
Grammar Lesson 18 Irregular Plurals of Nouns
Grammar Lesson 19 The -ова- Stem Verbs. The verb любить - to love
Phrasebook Topic 15 Countries and Nationalities
 Quiz 12 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 18-19 and Phrasebook Topics 15 with this 15 minute quiz.
Grammar Lesson 20 The Prepositional Case of Adjectives. Uses and Forms
Grammar Lesson 21 The Prepositional Case of Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns. Uses. Singular and Plural Forms
Phrasebook Topic 16 About My Friends
 Quiz 13 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 20-21 and Phrasebook Topics 16 with this 15 minute quiz.
 Test 5 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 18-21 and Phrasebook Topics 15-16.
Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 6
Grammar Lesson 22 Expressing Possession: Genitive Case of Nouns (introduction). Uses and Singular forms. Question Чей? - Whose?
Grammar Lesson 23 Genitive Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns
Grammar Lesson 24 Indicating Having And Not Having Something. Genitive Case of Personal Pronouns
Phrasebook Topic 17 Food
 Quiz 14 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 22-24 and Phrasebook Topics 17 with this 15 minute quiz.
Grammar Lesson 25 Verbs of Going (introduction). Going by foot vs. going by vehicle. Saying "Let's go!". Asking Where: Где? vs. Куда?
Grammar Lesson 26 Denoting an Indirect Object. Dative Case of Nouns. Uses and forms. Dative Case of Personal Pronouns
Grammar Lesson 27 Dative Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns
 Quiz 15 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 25-27 and Phrasebook Topic 17 with this 15 minute quiz.
 Test 6 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 22-27 and Phrasebook Topic 17.
Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 7
Grammar Lesson 28 Verbs that take the Dative Case. The preposition по
Grammar Lesson 29 Expressing Availability and Necessity. Short-form adjectives занят vs. свободен; должен
Grammar Lesson 30 Verbal Aspect (introduction). Meaning of Aspect. Aspect and Tense. Future Tense: Imperfective and Perfective Future. Aspectual Pairs
Grammar Lesson 31 The Instrumental Case of Nouns. The Instrumental Case of Personal Pronouns. Uses and forms.
Grammar Lesson 32 The Instrumental Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns. Summary of endings
 Quiz 16 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 28-32 with this 15 minute quiz.
 Test 7 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 28-32.
Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 8
Grammar Lesson 33 Verbs of Going: Unidirectional and Multidirectional (идти vs ходить). Present Tense forms of идти, ходить, ехать, ездить). Past Tense of Going Verbs. Introduction
Grammar Lesson 34 Uses of the Dative Case: Subjectless Expressions with Dative. Expressing Necessity, possibility and permission. Expressing Age
Grammar Lesson 35 Expressing Likes and Dislikes: verbs нравиться and любить
Phrasebook Topic 18 Shopping for Gifts
Summary Tables
Noun and Adjective Endings Russian Nominative, Prepositional, Accusative, Genitive, Dative, Instrumental cases.
Forms of Pronouns Personal Pronouns; Interrogative Pronoun
Summary of Case Uses. Basic uses of Nominative, Prepositional, Accusative, Genitive, Dative, Instrumental cases.
Verb Endings Verb Endings: First and Second conjugation. Regular Forms.
Most Common Irregular Verbs First conjugation verbs with stems ending in a consonant:
Russian Language Games
Hangman Games Russian Hangman Games Master your vocabulary: practice spelling Russian words
Pics and Audio Games  Master your Russian vocabulary
Words and Pictures Games Practice recognizing the words form your Russian vocabulary list
Grammar Games and Exercises Master the Russian grammar rules you have learned


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