Russian For Everyone Learn Russian Language Online

Self study guide for elementary level learners of Russian
and for intermediate level students who wish to review basic grammar and vocabulary

Grammar Lesson 12

About what vs about who. The preposition о (об). Prepositional Case of Personal Pronouns. Verbs говорить, рассказывать, спрашивать

Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 3
Grammar Lesson 9
Location. Prepositions в (во) and на. В доме vs. дома
Grammar Lesson 10
What is a Verb. Verb Infinitive. The Past Tense
Phrasebook Topic 9
Learn numbers 21-199 in Russian
Phrasebook Topic 10
Learn numbers 200-1000 in Russian
Quiz 8 (Week 6)
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 9-10 and Phrasebook Topics 9-10 with this 10 minute quiz.
Grammar Lesson 11
Present Tense of Verbs. Verb Conjugation. Conjugation of verbs жить, писать. Stress in Verbs
Grammar Lesson 12
About what vs about who. The preposition о (об). Prepositional Case of Personal Pronouns. Verbs говорить, рассказывать, спрашивать
Quiz 9
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 11-12 with this 10 minute quiz.
Test 3
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 9-12 and Phrasebook Topics 9-10.

 Грамматика                     Denoting the Object of Speech and Thought. The Preposition о - "about"

1. The preposition о (об)
  The preposition о (об) - "about", "of" followed by a noun in the prepositional case is used to denote the object of speech or thought.
 Study the following examples. Click each statement to listen, then say it.

1. Мы говорим о музыке.

1. We are talking about music.

2. Я думаю об отпуске.

2. I'm thinking about/of vacation.

3. Павел мечтает о машине.

3. Pavel dreams of a car.


  • The preposition о is used  before a word starting with a consonant or the vowels я, ю, е, ё, for example: о музыке, о Франции, о России, о Японии .
  • The preposition о becomes об  before a word starting with the vowels а, у, э, о, и, for example: об отпуске, об Игоре, об учителе.
  • The prepositions о and об are always unstressed, therefore they pronounced as [а], [аб] together with the next word (we spell:  об  отпуске,  we say:  [аботпуск']).
  2. About what vs about who 
О чём ("about what") is used to ask about objects and things.

О ком ("about whom") is used to ask about people and animals .

Study the following examples. Click each statement to listen, then say it.

1. О чём ты говоришь?

1. What are you talking about?

2. О ком ты говоришь?

2. Who are you talking about?

  3. The Prepositional Case of Personal Pronouns
All personal pronouns change their form when used in the prepositional case. Memorize the prepositional case of personal pronouns:
Nominative: Кто? Что?

Prepositional: О ком? О чём?



он, она, оно






he, she, it





обо мне

о тебе

о нём, ней

о нас

о вас

о них 

about me

about you

about him, her

about us

about you

about them

о себе about myself

about yourself

about himself, herself

about ourselves

about yourself

about themselves

 Study the following examples. Click each statement to listen, then say it.

1. Они говорят обо мне.

1. They are talking about me.

2. Я думаю о тебе. 

2. I think about you.

3. Мы часто говорим о нём.

3. We often talk about him. 

4. Они говорят о нас.

4. They are talking about us. 

5. Мои друзья часто говорят о вас.

5. My friends often talk about you (pl.).

6. Я говорю о них. 

6. I am talking about them.

  • The preposition о becomes обо before мне.
  • "About it" is translated as о нём if the pronoun replaces a masculine or neuter noun:
  •                 Это наш дом. Мы говорим о нём. - This is our house. We are talking about it; 

                    Вот море. Мы говорим о нём. -  Here is the sea. We are talking about it.


  • "About it" is translated as о ней if the pronoun replaces a feminine noun:
  •                 Это моя машина. Мы говорим о ней. - This is my car. We are talking about it.

  • "О себе" is used to translate any of the following English phrases: about myself / yourself / himself / herself /  ourselves / yourself / themselves. It always refers to the performer of the action. Study the following examples:

7. Она часто говорит о себе. 

7. She often talks about herself.

8. Они не думают о себе. 

8. They don't think about themselves.

4.  Verbs говорить, рассказывать, спрашивать

The word говорить is a regular 2nd conjugation verb. It can be translated as "to speak" or "to talk". 

When followed by the preposition о it is translated as "to talk about": 

1. Мы говорим о музыке.

1. We are talking about music.

The word рассказывать is a regular 1st conjugation verb. It is translated as "to tell". 

When followed by the preposition о it means "to tell about":


2. Он рассказывал о Париже.

2. He was telling about Paris.

The word спрашивать is a regular 1st conjugation verb. It can be translated as "to ask" or "to ask a question". Note that unlike English "to ask a question", the Russian verb  "спрашивать" is never  followed by the noun "a question", the noun is implied in the meaning of the verb: учитель спрашивает - the teacher asks (questions).

When followed by the preposition о the verb спрашивать is translated as "to ask about", "to inquire about":


3. Студенты спрашивают о России.

Students ask about Russia.

Exercises  Упражнения
Fill in the blanks (о - об + nouns in the prepositional case)
Fill in the blanks (о - об + nouns in the prepositional case)
Verb practice (жить and рассказывать)
Fill in the blanks with the personal pronouns in the prepositional case

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