Talking about friends
Russian has many words for "friend". Which one to use
depends on the gender of a friend (male or female), how well and how
long you know each other (if it's an acquaintance or a good friend of

- First, there are two different words for a male friend - друг
and a female friend - подруга. These two
words are used for a very good, close friend (could be your
boyfriend or girlfriend, but not necessarily).
- For an acquaintance, a person you have met just recently, the
words знакомый (male acquaintance) and знакомая
(female acquaintance) are used. These words have adjectival
endings in all cases (i.e. they decline like adjectives, but used
as nouns).
- For a person you know for quite a while but cannot call your "best
friend" the proper Russian words to use would be приятель
(male person) and приятельница (female
person). Dictionaries translate these two words as
"friend" or "buddy", but remember that they
are not used for a close, best friend (Russian has друг and
подруга for that).
- For a class mate at elementary, middle and high school the words
одноклассник (male person) and одноклассница
(female person) are used.
- For a class mate at university use two other words: одногруппник
(for male person) and одногруппница
(for a female person). Literally it can be translated as
"group mate".
Listen to the words discussed above. Repeat the words after speaker:
- подруга |
- знакомая |
- приятельница |
- одноклассница |
- одногруппница |
Talking about year at university/school
You already know how to say what is your faculty, major at university:
- Я учусь на лингвистическом
факультете. - I'm in the Linguistics department.
- Мой друг учится на историческом
факультете. - I'm in the History department.
From this topic you will learn how to say what year you are in. The
combination of an ordinal numeral (первый - first,
второй - second, etc.) and the word
курс is used to describe the year of study. The whole combination
must be in the prepositional case:
Я учусь на первом курсе. |
I'm in my first year. |
Мой друг учится на втором курсе. |
My friend is in his second year. |
Мой брат учится на третьем курсе. |
My brother is in his third year. |
Они учатся на четвёртом курсе. |
They are in their forth year. |
Она учится на пятом курсе. |
She is in her fifth year. |
- The word курс "course" with
the preposition на is used for a year at
university or college only. For a year at school (elementary,
middle, high) the word класс with the preposition в
is used. Compare:
Моя младшая сестра учится в
третьем классе. - My youngest sister is in her
third year (at elementary school).
Моя старшая сестра учится на
третьем курсе. - My oldest sister is in her third
year (at university).
- Note that ordinal numerals have the adjectival ending -ом
in the prepositional case. The only exception is the word
третий - на третьем курсе, which has the soft
variant of the ending -ем.
- A different sentence structure is used for a graduate school
student. Listen and repeat:
Я учусь в аспирантуре. |
I'm in graduate school. |
Now listen to the story about a friend of mine and find the answers to the
questions below. You may listen to the story as many times as you
need. Read and translate the questions before you start listening.
1. Где живёт Катя?
2. Где она учится?
3. На каком факультете она учится?
4. На каком курсе она учится?
5. Что она изучает в университете?
6. На каком языке она очень хорошо
7. На каких языках она читает?
Click the speaker to listen to the story, then answer the questions.
Reading and writing: About My friend - О моём
друге / О моей подруге
1. Use the texts below as the
model for you own story. Read these texts aloud at least three times.

А. Я
хочу рассказать о моём русском
друге Сергее. Сергей живёт в
России, во Владивостоке. Он
работает в университете на химическом
факультете. Сергей
преподаёт химию и биологию на первом
курсе. Его
родной язык русский. Он хорошо говорит по-английски.
Б. Я
хочу рассказать о моей русской
подруге Кате. Она живёт в
России, в Москве. Катя студентка.
Она учится
в нашем университете на лингвистическом
факультете. Её
*родной язык русский. Она
очень хорошо говорит по-английски,
читает по-немецки и по-испански.
Сейчас Катя на четвёртом курсе.
Она изучает лингвистику, педагогику,
историю и немецкий язык.
*родной язык - native(first)
2. Make up your own story. Tell about a friend of yours
(could be your друг/подруга, знакомый/знакомая,
приятель/приятельница, etc.): what his/her
name is,
where he/she lives now, what he/she does, where he/she works or
studies, what he/she is studying, what languages he/she speaks.
3. Write down your story on paper or type it on your computer, then
read it aloud at least three times.
4. Keep your written story for future reference.
About My friend - О моём друге / О моей
Memorize your story and retell it without looking at the paper or