Russian For Everyone Learn Russian Language Online

Self study guide for elementary level learners of Russian
and for intermediate level students who wish to review basic grammar and vocabulary

Phrasebook Topic 15

Countries and Nationalities

Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 5
Grammar Lesson 18
Irregular Plurals of Nouns
Grammar Lesson 19
The -ова- Stem Verbs. The verb любить - to love
Phrasebook Topic 15
Countries and Nationalities
Quiz 12
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 18-19 and Phrasebook Topics 15 with this 15 minute quiz.
Grammar Lesson 20
The Prepositional Case of Adjectives. Uses and Forms
Grammar Lesson 21
The Prepositional Case of Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns. Uses. Singular and Plural Forms
Phrasebook Topic 16
About My Friends
Quiz 13
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 20-21 and Phrasebook Topics 16 with this 15 minute quiz.
Test 5
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 18-21 and Phrasebook Topics 15-16.

 Лексика                                                  Countries and Nationalities - Страны и национальности

1. Countries
Study the following Russian words for countries:

Америка (США)











  America (USA)











 2. Male, Female, and Plural forms for Nationalities
When talking about yourself, you probably would wish to say a few words about your national background. 

Russian has masculine and feminine form for each word denoting nationality. In addition to masculine and feminine there is a plural form for each nationality.

Here is the list of some common words. Three forms are given (masculine - feminine - plural). Listen and repeat after speaker imitating the pronunciation as closely as you can:

американец - американка - американцы

испанец - испанка - испанцы

итальянец - итальянка - итальянцы

канадец - канадка - канадцы

немец - немка - немцы

украинец - украинка - украинцы

японец - японка - японцы 


китаец - китаянка - китайцы

англичанин - англичанка  - англичане

француз - француженка - французы


русский - русская - русские

  American (masculine - feminine - plural)

  Spaniard (masculine - feminine - plural)

  Italian (masculine - feminine - plural)

  Canadian (masculine - feminine - plural)

  German (masculine - feminine - plural)

  Ukrainian (masculine - feminine - plural)

  Japanese (masculine - feminine - plural)


  Chinese (masculine - feminine - plural)

  English person (masculine - feminine - plural)

  French person (masculine - feminine - plural)


  Russian (masculine - feminine - plural)




             Masculine and Feminine Forms

  • Note that many words denoting nationalities have the final -ец for a male person and final -ка for a female person: канадец - канадка, японец - японка.

             Memorize the words that are different: 

  • The word for Chinese woman китаянка has the final element -янка.
  • The words for Englishman and Englishwoman англичанин  - англичанка have the final -анин for a male and -анка for a female person.
  • The words for Frenchman and Frenchwoman француз - француженка have the final for a male and -женка for a female person.
  • The words for Russian man and Russian woman русский - русская have the final -ий for a male and -ая for a female person.

             Plural Forms

  • Many plural forms for nationalities have the final element -цы: американцы, испанцы, etc.
  • Note that the plural form французы has the final , англичане has the final , русские has the final -ие. These forms are to be memorized as exceptions.


If you want to talk about your parents and grandparents national background you should use masculine forms for men and feminine forms for women. Listen and repeat after speaker:

1. Мой папа англичанин и моя мама англичанка.


2. Мой дедушка украинец, а бабушка американка.

My father is an Englishman and my mother is an Englishwoman.

My grandfather is Ukrainian, and my grandmother is American.

You already know how to say "I was born and grown up". Now you can also say what is your nationality:

A male person will say:

1. Я родился и вырос в Канаде. Я канадец.

I was born and grown up in Canada. I'm Canadian.

A female person will say:

2. Я родилась и выросла в Канаде. Я канадка.

I was born and grown up in Canada. I'm Canadian.

  • Don't forget that verbs change their endings for gender in the past tense: Я родился и вырос (masculine forms) vs. Я родилась и выросла (feminine forms).
  • If a verb has -ся at the end, it is spelled -ся after a consonant, and -сь after a vowel: родился, but родилась. This type of verbs will be discussed later on.
  • Some verbs like вырос, for instance, have no in the past tense masculine forms, but they do have -ла, -ло, -ли in all other past tense forms. Such verbs are to be memorized as exceptions.
 Reading and writing: I was born in ... - Я родился в... / Я родилась в...

1. Use the texts below as the model for you own story. Read these texts aloud at least three times.



А.     Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Джон. Моя фамилия Кэмбл. Моя мама канадка. Она родилась и выросла в Канаде, в Торонто. Мой папа американец. Он родился и вырос в Нью-Йорке.

          Я канадец. Я родился и вырос в Канаде, в Оттаве. Сейчас я живу в Ванкувере.


 *Я живу в... - I live in...


Б.      Здравстуйте! Меня зовут Таня. Моя фамилия Соколова. Мой папа русский. Он родился и вырос в России, в Санкт-Петербурге. Моя мама украинка, она родилась и выросла в Киеве. 

          Я русская. Я родилась и выросла в России, в Санкт-Петербурге. Сейчас я живу в Москве.



2. Make up your own story. Tell what is your first name, what is your last name, where your parents were born and grown up, where you were born and grown up.

3. Write down your story on paper or type it on your computer, then read it aloud at least three times. 

4. Keep your story for future reference.

 Speaking: I was born in ... - Я родился в... / Я родилась в...

Memorize your story and retell it without looking at the paper or computer.


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