Addressing a person whose name you don't know
If you are going to travel or study in Russia, your first conversation
with the officials will take place at the airport. Upon your arrival, you will go through passport control,
then you will get your luggage and go into the customs
hall. There will be signs like ПАСПОРТНЫЙ КОНТРОЛЬ,
БАГАЖ, and ТАМОЖНЯ, so you will not get
When in doubt and have to ask for a direction someone who speaks
Russian only, the following vocabulary will be useful.
Learn how to
draw someone's attention and ask "where" questions.
The most common way to address a stranger is:
After you have drawn someone's attention, you may say:
Скажите, пожалуйста... |
Tell me please... |
The questions you might need to ask:
1. Где таможня?
2. Где можно получить багаж?
3. Где обмен валюты?
Where is customs?
Where can I get my luggage?
Where is the currency exchange desk?
The answer you may hear:
1. Идите прямо, потом налево (направо).
2. Извините, я не знаю.
Go straight, then turn to the left (to the right).
Sorry, I don't know.
Passport control
Here is a possible conversation with a Russian official at the
Passport desk. Listen to the dialogue and read it aloud.
- Добрый день!
- Ваш паспорт, пожалуйста.
- Вот, пожалуйста.
- Откуда вы?
- Я из Канады.
- Цель визита: бизнес, туризм?
- Я студентка, буду учиться в Москве.
- Хорошо, пожалуйста, проходите. |
- Hello!
- Good afternoon!
- Your passport, please.
- Here it is.
- Where are you from?
- I'm from Canada.
- What is the purpose of your visit: business, tourism?
- I'm a student. I will study in Moscow.
- Ok, welcome (literally: you are welcome to proceed).
- The word извините can be translated as "excuse
me" and "I'm sorry".
- The word пожалуйста is not quite equal to
English "please" since it has a broader meaning.
In Russian this word is used for both "please"
and "you are welcome". The more accurate
translation for a sentence like: Вот, пожалуйста
is: "Here it is. You are welcome to take a look at
- The word хорошо is used for "well" and
Listen to a possible conversation with a Russian official at the
Customs desk. Read the dialogue aloud.
- Здравствуйте!
- Это ваш чемодан?
- Да, это мой чемодан.
- А сумка тоже ваша?
- Да, моя.
- Что в чемодане?
- Книги, диски, сувениры.
- А что в сумке?
- В сумке одежда, косметика, личные вещи.
- Хорошо, проходите.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Is that your suitcase?
- Yes, this is my suitcase.
- And is that bag yours?
- Yes, it's mine.
- What is there in the suitcase?
- Books, CD-discs, souvenirs.
- And what is in the bag?
- I have clothes, cosmetics, personal things in the
- Ok, welcome (literally: proceed). |
Reading and writing: Where are you from - Откуда
1. Use the texts below as the
model for you own story. Read these texts aloud at least three times.

А. Здравствуйте! Меня зовут
Джон. Моя фамилия Кэмбл. Я из Канады. Я
живу в Ванкувере. Я студент, буду
учиться в Санкт-Петербурге. *Я
живу в... - I live in... *Я буду
учиться в... - I will study (go to school) in...
Б. Здравстуйте! Меня зовут
Майк. Моя фамилия Хатсон. Я из Америки.
Я живу в Нью-Йорке. Я турист, приехал в
Россию на месяц. Я буду жить в
гостинице "Интурист".
в Россию на месяц - came to Russia for one month
(a male person will say я приехал, female - я
приехала) *Я буду жить в... - I
will live in... *гостиница "Интурист"
- the hotel "Inturist"
2. Make up your own story. Tell what is your first name,
what is your last name, where are you from and what city do you live
in. Are you a student or tourist? Will you study (go to school)? Where
are you going to stay/live?
3. Write down your story on paper or type it on your computer, then
read it aloud at least three times.
4. Keep your story for future reference.
About Myself - О себе
Memorize your story and retell it without looking at the paper or