Introduction. Russian letters and sound system | Russian alphabet Sounds, handwriting, keyboard | Introductory Lesson 1 Reading syllables. Translating This is..., Here is...
| Introductory Lesson 2 Reading syllables. Conjunctions è and à | Introductory Lesson 3 Learn Russian hushing and velar sounds. Stress and vowel reduction (à, î)
| Quiz 1 Check what you have learned from Lessons 1-3 with this 10 minute quiz. | Introductory Lesson 4 Letters ö,é,û,è | Introductory Lesson 5 Learn Russian 7-letter spelling rule | Introductory Lesson 6 Learn Russian Hard and Soft ñonsonants. Vowel reduction (ÿ, å) | Quiz 2 Check what you have learned from Lessons 4-6 with this 15 minute quiz. | Introductory Lesson 7 Letters ü and ú. Pronunciation of ÿ, ¸, þ, å. Letters ê, ã, õ | Introductory Lesson 8 Unpaired hard and soft consonants. The soft consonant é | Quiz 3 Check what you have learned from Lessons 7-8 with this 15 minute quiz. | Introductory Lesson 9 Voiced and Voiceless Consonants. Devoicing of Final Consonants. Consonant Clusters | Introductory Lesson 10 Pronunciation of ã, ÷, òñÿ and òüñÿ | Phrasebook Topic 1 Learn how to greet people and say goodbye in Russian | Phrasebook Topic 2 Introducing Yourself in Russian | Quiz 4 Check what you have learned from Lessons 7-8 with this 10 minute quiz. |
5.1. |
7-letter spelling rule
For an English speaking person it is often hard to
hear the difference between û and è sounds.
Having learned the following spelling rule you will avoid some
common mistakes in your written Russian.
After consonants ã, ê, õ, æ, ø, ù, ÷
do not write the letter û. Whenever an
[û] or [è] sound
follows one of these letters, it is spelled è. This is called
7-letter spelling rule.
Click each combination to listen, then click again and
say it with me. |
Practice reading words with consonants ã, ê, õ, æ, ø, ù, ÷
followed by è. Click each word
to listen, then repeat.
ãèìí |
hymn, anthem |
êèâè |
kiwi |
õèòðûé |
cunning |
÷èçáóðãåð |
cheeseburger |
ùè |
cabbage soup |
æèð |
fat |
øèíà |
tire |
Click the sentence to listen, then click again and say it with me.
Ýòî ìîòîöèêë, à ýòî ìàøèíà. |
Reading ×òåíèå |
Practice reading some Russian words aloud.
Match the Russian words with their English equivalents. |
×èëè, ãèìíàñòèêà,
ãèòàðà, Êèåâ, êèëëåð,
êèëîãðàìì, êèëîìåòð, êèìîíî,
Êèòàé, õèïïè, ×èêàãî, ÷èïñû,
æèðàô, øèê, øèìïàíçå.
Kiev, guitar, gymnastics, killer, hippie, kilogram, kimono, giraffe,
China, chips, Chicago, kilometre, chimpanzee, Chile, chic.
Exercises Óïðàæíåíèÿ |
Practice reading words with êè, ãè, õè. |
Practice reading words with ÷è, ùè, æè,
øè. |
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