Introduction. Russian letters and sound system | Russian alphabet Sounds, handwriting, keyboard | Introductory Lesson 1 Reading syllables. Translating This is..., Here is...
| Introductory Lesson 2 Reading syllables. Conjunctions è and à | Introductory Lesson 3 Learn Russian hushing and velar sounds. Stress and vowel reduction (à, î)
| Quiz 1 Check what you have learned from Lessons 1-3 with this 10 minute quiz. | Introductory Lesson 4 Letters ö,é,û,è | Introductory Lesson 5 Learn Russian 7-letter spelling rule | Introductory Lesson 6 Learn Russian Hard and Soft ñonsonants. Vowel reduction (ÿ, å) | Quiz 2 Check what you have learned from Lessons 4-6 with this 15 minute quiz. | Introductory Lesson 7 Letters ü and ú. Pronunciation of ÿ, ¸, þ, å. Letters ê, ã, õ | Introductory Lesson 8 Unpaired hard and soft consonants. The soft consonant é | Quiz 3 Check what you have learned from Lessons 7-8 with this 15 minute quiz. | Introductory Lesson 9 Voiced and Voiceless Consonants. Devoicing of Final Consonants. Consonant Clusters | Introductory Lesson 10 Pronunciation of ã, ÷, òñÿ and òüñÿ | Phrasebook Topic 1 Learn how to greet people and say goodbye in Russian | Phrasebook Topic 2 Introducing Yourself in Russian | Quiz 4 Check what you have learned from Lessons 7-8 with this 10 minute quiz. |
8.1. |
Unpaired hard and soft consonants
For almost every consonant Russian has two sounds: a hard consonant and a soft consonant. But there are three
unpaired hard consonants: æ, ø, ö (they have no soft counterparts) and three
unpaired soft consonants ÷, ù, é (these consonants have no hard
We learned earlier that Russian vowel sounds are spelled with one set of letters (à, î, ó, ý, û) after hard consonants and with an alternative set of letters (ÿ, ¸, þ, å, è) after soft consonants. The choice of vowel in the spelling of most Russian words is determined by the hardness or softness of the preceding
But for unpaired hard (æ, ø, ö) and soft (÷, ù) consonants the choice of
vowel is often determined by the special spelling rules:
! |
1. According to the 7-letters spelling rule,
after the consonants æ, ø, ÷, ù the letter è is
spelled (never û).

Click the words to listen, then read them aloud.
æèòü |
to live |
ìàøèíà |
car |
÷èïñû |
chips |
çàùèòà |
protection |
! |
2. After the unpaired soft consonants ÷, ù the letters à, ó are spelled
(never ÿ, þ in spite of the fact that
the consonants are soft).
Click the words to listen, then read them aloud.
÷àñ |
an hour |
÷óäî |
miracle |
ðîùà |
grove |
èùó |
I'm looking for |
! |
3. After the unpaired hard consonant ö
the letter û is spelled in the ending of a word, the letter è
is spelled in the root.
Click the each word to listen, then read them aloud.
- |
öèôðà |
cucumbers - number |
- |
öèðê |
Germans - circus |
The soft consonant é
Do not confuse the unpaired soft consonant é and the vowel è.
The consonant é follows vowel letters only (never follows a
consonant). When pronouncing
[é] the tip of the tongue is pressed to the lower teeth. The air stream is stronger than when pronouncing the vowel [è].
Click the words to listen, then read them aloud.
ìîé |
my |
÷àé |
tea |
ñêàìåéêà |
bench |
÷àéêà |
sea-gull |
Usually é occur in the middle of a word or in a word ending.
There are only three common words in Russian that begin with the
consonant é (all of foreign origin, you can easily guess their meaning). Click these words to listen, then read them aloud.
éîãóðò |
yogurt |
éîãà |
yoga |
éîä |
iodine |
Exercises Óïðàæíåíèÿ |
Listening and reading practice (words with
æè, øè, ÷è, ùè, ÷à, ùà, ÷ó, ùó ). |
Listening and reading practice (words with
öè and öû). |
Listening and reading practice (words with é
and è). |
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