Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 4 | Grammar Lesson 13 Questions 'Какой' and 'Как?': Adjectives vs Adverbs.Formation of Adverbs. Adverbs of Place and Time | Grammar Lesson 14 Talking about languages: русский язык vs по-русски. Language skills vs study or knowledge of language | Phrasebook Topic 11 Languages | Phrasebook Topic 12 Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals | Quiz 10 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 13-14 and Phrasebook Topic 11 with this 10 minute quiz. | Grammar Lesson 15 Denoting a Direct Object. Accusative Case of Nouns (Formation of Singular Forms). Transitive and Intransitive verbs | Grammar Lesson 16 Accusative Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns. The verb хотеть - to want | Grammar Lesson 17 Studying and Teaching: изучать, учиться, заниматься, преподавать. Verbs with -ся | Phrasebook Topic 13 Subjects at School | Phrasebook Topic 14 About Myself | Quiz 11 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 15-17 and Phrasebook Topics 13-14 with this 10 minute quiz. | Test 4 Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 13-17 and Phrasebook Topics 11-14. |
Like English, Russian distinguishes between cardinal and ordinal numerals.
Cardinal numbers
You already know cardinal numbers 1 through 1000. Of the cardinal numerals only
один changes it's ending to agree with the noun (один карандаш,
одна ручка, одно письмо,
одни брюки) and два changes it's form to agree with the feminine nouns (две книги).
Ordinal numerals
Ordinal numerals function like adjectives: they agree with their head word (noun or pronoun) in gender, number and case.
They function like English numbers first, second, third, etc. Here is
the list of ordinal numbers 1-10.
Click each ordinal number to listen.
Repeat the numbers, imitating their pronunciation. Note vowels

Masculine forms |
Neuter and Plural
endings |
Translation |
первый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
first |
второй |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
second |
третий |
(-ья, -ье, -ьи) |
third |
четвёртый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
fourth |
пятый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
fifth |
шестой |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
sixth |
седьмой |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
seventh |
восьмой |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
eighth |
девятый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
ninth |
десятый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
tenth |
- Adjectives spelling rules apply to ordinal numbers. For example,
if an adjective has end stress, it's masculine form ends on -ой
(второй, -ая,
-ое, -ые).
- You must memorize feminine, neuter and plural endings for the
word третий (третья,
третье, третьи). It is a soft stem
adjective, but it's endings are slightly different from regular
soft stem adjective endings (-ья, -ье,
-ьи instead of -яя, -ее, -ие).
Listen to the ordinal numbers 11-20.
Repeat the numbers, imitating their pronunciation. Note vowels

forms |
Feminine, Neuter and Plural
endings |
Translation |
одиннадцатый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
eleventh |
двенадцатый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
twelfth |
тринадцатый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
thirteenth |
четырнадцатый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
fourteenth |
пятнадцатый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
fifteenth |
шестнадцатый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
sixteenth |
семнадцатый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
seventeenth |
восемнадцатый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
eighteenth |
девятнадцатый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
nineteenth |
двадцатый |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
twentieth |
- Ordinal numbers 11-20 are not difficult to memorize if you have
learned the corresponding cardinal numbers 11-20. They are very
much the same. You should simply replace -ь with the appropriate
adjective ending. Compare:
Cardinal |
Ordinal |
одиннадцать |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
двенадцать |
(-ая, -ое, -ые) |
Listen as many times as you need, read the numbers aloud at least three times
each and memorize them.
Compound ordinal numbers
Compound ordinal numbers are formed by placing simple numbers in
sequence. But only a final component of a compound ordinal numeral
is an ordinal. The rest are cardinals. Here are some examples of compound ordinal numbers:

двадцать четвёртая
страница |
the hundred and twenty forth page |
девятьсот семнадцатый
год |
the year of 1917 |
девятьсот девяносто первый
год |
the year of 1991 |
- When talking about years, there is no way to say
"nineteen seventeen" or "nineteen ninety one"
in Russian. You have to say the whole sequence of numbers, and the
last number in that sequence must be ordinal (it is like saying one
thousand nine hundred seventeenth year for
"the year of 1917").
More details on Russian numbers you will get latter on.
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