Russian For Everyone Learn Russian Language Online

Self study guide for elementary level learners of Russian
and for intermediate level students who wish to review basic grammar and vocabulary

Phrasebook Topic 14

About Myself

Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 4
Grammar Lesson 13
Questions 'Какой' and 'Как?': Adjectives vs Adverbs.Formation of Adverbs. Adverbs of Place and Time
Grammar Lesson 14
Talking about languages: русский язык vs по-русски. Language skills vs study or knowledge of language
Phrasebook Topic 11
Phrasebook Topic 12
Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals
Quiz 10
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 13-14 and Phrasebook Topic 11 with this 10 minute quiz.
Grammar Lesson 15
Denoting a Direct Object. Accusative Case of Nouns (Formation of Singular Forms). Transitive and Intransitive verbs
Grammar Lesson 16
Accusative Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns. The verb хотеть - to want
Grammar Lesson 17
Studying and Teaching: изучать, учиться, заниматься, преподавать. Verbs with -ся
Phrasebook Topic 13
Subjects at School
Phrasebook Topic 14
About Myself
Quiz 11
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 15-17 and Phrasebook Topics 13-14 with this 10 minute quiz.
Test 4
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 13-17 and Phrasebook Topics 11-14.

 Лексика                                                   About Myself - О себе

Talking about yourself
You will listen to two students telling about themselves and make your own short story. 

You already know how to say " My name is...", "I live in...", I study at...", "I'm learning/taking Russian", etc. 

Learn how to say "I was born and grown up in... ":

1. Я родился и вырос в России

2. Я родилась и выросла в Канаде

  • a male speaker should use masculine forms of past tense verbs (1)
  • a female speaker should use feminine forms of past tense verbs (2)
  • вырос (past tense, masculine form) does not have -л in the past tense. It is an exception.
Now listen to the Anton's story and find the answers to the following questions:

1. Где родился и вырос Антон?

2. Где он живёт сейчас?

3. Что он изучает в университете?

4. Где он работает?


Click the speaker to listen.


Listen to the Tanya's story and find the answers to the following questions:


1. Где родилась и выросла Таня?

2. Где она живёт сейчас?

3. Что она изучает в университете?

4. Где она работает?


Click the speaker to listen.

 Reading and writing: About Myself - О себе

1. Use the texts below as the model for you own story. Read these texts aloud at least three times.



А.     Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Антон. Я родился и вырос в России, в городе Владимире. Сейчас я живу в Москве. Я студент, учусь в университете. Я изучаю политологию, историю и английский язык. А ещё* я работаю в кинотеатре.



Б.      Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Таня. Я родилась и выросла в Канаде, в Торонто. Сейчас я живу в Ванкувере. Я не работаю. Я студентка, учусь в университете. Я изучаю экономику, русский язык, русскую литературу и историю.



*А ещё ... -  And also...


2. Make up your own story. Tell what is your name, where you were born and grown up, where do you live now, what do you do, where do you study, what are you studying/learning. 

3. Write down your story on paper or type it on your computer, then read it aloud at least three times. 

4. Keep the written story for future reference.

 Speaking: About Myself - О себе

Memorize your story and retell it without looking at the paper or computer.


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